Hi Everybody,
First, may I thank all of you who responded to our shout out for more "conference" hosts. We have now satisfied all those requesting accommodation and have several more billets available to cover further guests. The conference is a one-day event on Saturday 29th September but as a "curtain-raiser" to the big day, a special one-off performance of "Voices for Easter" will be presented on Friday 28th in the North St. Halls at 8pm. Tickets are available on the door @ £6, including the customary complimentary glass of wine and cake, and free entry will be granted to conference guests and their hosts. I would like to think that we will generate a large audience for this event and provide a great welcome to Hornchurch for our visitors. Their experience of the way in which our fundraising events also provide a wonderful opportunity for ongoing fellowship is one of the things that I hope will contribute to the whole informative nature of the conference. I have already had some enquiries about tickets for our "Armistice Supper"on Saturday October 27th. This event will be similar in format to our "Burns" and "St. George's" suppers, 3-course meal, entertainment, dancing etc. Tickets @ £20 are strictly limited to 125 and will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis, officially going on sale from 09.00 on Monday September 3rd. They are available as usual by telephone from me on 01708 226117. Though obviously reverent to the memory of the fallen, this will be a joyous affair celebrating the end of conflict and the dawn of peace. The dress code will be black-tie or suitable military or period costume and after the dinner there will be a singalong of the old wartime songs before we dance the night away! So please check your diaries. I hope you have had a pleasant and relaxing Summer and look forward to seeing you at these forthcoming events. God bless, Kevin.x |
February 2024
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